IPG Media Lab & MAGNA
A Study on Improving Brand Perception
The Mission
IPG Media Lab & MAGNA wanted to improve brand favorability and trust across four brands within specific verticals—Finance, QSR, CPG, Travel.
The Action Plan

The Video Ad
Finding Brand Fans…and Non-Fans
IPG used ViralGains’ Likert Survey to gauge brand sentiment immediately after the video ad. This enabled them to create two Zero Party Audience segments — viewers with positive brand sentiment and viewers with negative brand sentiment.

The Campaign
A Tale of Two Journeys
Sentiment-Driven Journey: IPG retargeted the Zero Party Audience segments with different ads based on how they felt about the brand. For example, people with positive sentiment received an ad encouraging them to take action while people with negative sentiment received an ad highlighting the brand’s corporate responsibility efforts.
Exposure-Driven Journey: IPG compared ViralGains technology to the typical way people serve sequential ads today—based on impressions or exposure to the ad, with no regard for how the person feels.

The Results
Comparing Brand Lift
The Sentiment-Driven Ad Journey — which leveraged ViralGains technology — drove an absolute lift of 18% in favorability and 16% lift in brand trust over the control.
The Exposure-Driven Journey only drove a 4% lift in favorability and 3% lift in brand trust.
With sentiment-driven journeys, brands can transform non-fans into fans by using the next best ad experience tailored to their feelings. This may require some testing, but feel-good ads – like corporate responsibility – may help.
Interested in reading the full study?
Download The Sentiment-Driven Consumer Journey.
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